AB401k is featured in Chapter 4 of Tony Robbins' #1 bestseller UNSHAKEABLE

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Plan Details

Plan name:


This is publicly available information derived from the most recent 5500 tax filing via the Department of Labor.

Significant Fee Reduction Available



Estimated Current Plan Fees


AB401k Fees

Why is this an estimate and not an exact number? Click here to find out the exact number.

Sample video on impact of fees

Let us create a custom video tailored to your plan.

To get a customized video showing the impact of fees on your company's 401k plan, submit the fee disclosure of your existing plan. CLICK HERE to send us your fee disclosure form for verification.

Fees in this plan need to be verified. They could be significantly higher than the estimate. Click the button to the right to send us your fee disclosure form for verification.

Verify My Current Fees
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Impact of Fees Over Time -

Total Increased

  • AB401k
  • Your Current Plan

Assumes 7% market growth and an ongoing contribution rate that is a percentage of the total plan balance.

Your Plan Growth with
Current Fee Estimate


Plan Growth with
AB401k’s Fees


Total Increased

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